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The Life and Times of Ken Aldrich

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Actun Tunichil Muknal is the name of the cave system. It was never inhabited, but rather it was used as a location for various ceremonies. So far there have been 14 human remains and several artifacts found in the caves. We started the day by flying from Caye Ambergris to Belize City. Then we drove deep into the interior of Belize to the capital city, Belmopan. From there we drove down some ruddy roads to a parking area for the Tapir reserve. We hiked a couple miles through the jungle to the cave opening. On the way we crossed the river three times. We went about a half mile into the cave. For the most part we were partially in water...stepping around and over rocks in the water and squeezing through watery tight spaces. At the deepest part of the journey we removed our shoes and climbed up to a dry part of the cave where several of the human remains and artifacts were found. We came out the same way we came in. After the hike through the jungle and the ride to Belize City we stayed at the Fort George Hotel in Belize City.